
Great News

I am sure that most of you who read this blog read my family blog too. So you probably already know that I am going to be working at the Gold's Gym here in Tucson. I am so stinkin' excited to be doing something that I love and that is so good for me. I feel so hopeful that this will be the thing I need to make me feel at home in Tucson.

Now that I have this great new job (which won't exactly start right away) I think it will be easier for me to come up with some great new posts for this little bloggy blog. I guess I was feeling like I was getting a bit monotonous with the same old, same old "eat right, exercise" bit over and over.

Another great thing is the method of instruction at this gym. It is called Les Mills and basically it was described to me like this. Think of McDonald's and the hamburger, you always know what you're going to get. With Les Mills group fitness you always know what you are going to get in terms of choreography, intensity and training. I think it will be great for me because I am a new instructor. It will keep me from having to spend hours upon hours coming up with new choreography and purchasing new and exciting music and bla bla bla. If you are interested in finding out more about Les Mills or even getting certified yourself then check it out here.


Kayla R. said...

That is so awesome!!! i am so jealous:)

{lindy baker cakes} said...

I'm so happy for you!!!! I knew you'd get it!

Kayla R. said...

WOO HOO!!! that is awesome. So I was looking for another fun part time job when I decide to retire from Cheer coaching:) and I thought about working at Golds here at A.F.!! I have a personal trainer named Luanne that is my inspiration:) But we will see what happens... I want to hear how you like it cause I wont start until about May:) So keep me updated*!*!