

I am officially in Texas at my parents house.
I haven't worked out in almost two weeks because of all the mumbo jumbo moving stuff.
I haven't been watching what I eat although I haven't intentionally eaten crap.
I am still just three pounds down and holding.
I am ok with all of it and will start over again today.

Thanks Carmen for calling me out. I was beginning to think that if no one else was holding me responsible than I wouldn't have to either. More good stuff to come in the next couple days. I just have to finish some research! :)


A little tangent

I was in my pantry closet and noticed that I have approximately 2 1/2 bottles of corn syrup one if which was facing me with it's nutrition label. Now you probably have two questions here. 1. Why the heck do I have so much corn syrup? 2. How bad is corn syrup? First answer, people keep moving and handing me, along with other food, bottles of corn syrup. Second answer, oh it's bad!!! It's so so bad!!! Calorie wise there are 120 in two TBS of corn syrup. But what is so bad is the ingredient list. Did you know there is high fructose corn syrup in corn syrup? Along with salt and water, these are the main ingredients. I was confused as to why they need to add high fructose corn syrup to corn syrup and so I googled. What is high fructose corn syrup? I stumbled across this article and learned a couple things.
1. High fructose corn syrup was developed in the 70's around the time they developed partially hydrogenated oils as a cheaper alternative to butter and regular sugar.
2. It starts as corn starch but then goes through 3 different chemical alteration processes before becoming HFCS.
3. Most foods are sweetened with this product rather than sugar cane or beet sugar.
4. High consumption of fructose in lab rats showed serious medical disadvantages such as infertility, and heart failure.

There are things I learned about HFCS previous that were also a little grim. If you have read the book, "You; On a Diet" by doctors Oz and Roizin then you know the harmful chemical effects of HFCS in the body. Basically, if I remember right, HFCS isn't registered in your brain as a sugar or sweet and therefore you can gorge on it with out a sugar overload warning coming from your brain. Since it is chemically altered so heavily your brain is like, "I don't see anything" while your butt is screaming, "help us we are going to burst with HFCS-ness!"

Bottom line (no pun intended), HFCS is bad, really, really bad! Which really sucks because it is everywhere! I mean everywhere, ketchup, salad dressings, crackers and apparently it is even hiding in stuff that is already evil like regular corn syrup. Basically just read your labels and watch out for it as best you can. Sometimes you can't avoid it but for butt's sake try!

Done and Done

I did it ya'll. Three pounds down, seven to go!!!


I chickened out!

So I kind of chickened out yesterday from weighing myself. What happened was this, I didn't get to go to the gym in the morning and seeing as how I use the scale at the gym (I actually don't have one at home) I didn't end up weighing myself. I don't know if you know this but technically you weigh a little less in the morning so that is why I always wait for my morning poo and then I go and step on the scale! :) Ha! It may sound silly but it is true. Anyway, I know it's a lame excuse and I don't know what I am so scared of because honestly I did so well last week! I was even at the gym this morning at 7 a.m. but still skipped the weigh in. Tomorrow I will have to get brave and get my booty on that darned thing. I promise to let you know how it goes (because I know you are all just biting your nails) whether it's good or bad.

In the meantime, I wanted to let you all in on a little something I found out. Apparently salads aren't the only things you can order from fast food restaurants these days. Yesterday we went to a different side of the island and after our beach trip we landed our starving belly's in a Burger King. I was nervous about ordering and appalled by the ridiculous price for a chicken salad. I was about to give in and order a Whopper Jr. rather than a Whopper Sr., when I spotted the veggie burger! I ordered it sans mayo and took off a bun slice. When I came home I checked online to see how I had done, the result was a pleasant surprise. Only 340 calories, when eaten without mayo, and since I took off a bun flap it was even less! It was actually really tasty and filling and I didn't feel hungry for quite a while after. However, I wouldn't recommend this as an everyday food choice because the sodium content was a little high and the burger left me very thirsty. Well, the beach and the burger left me very thirsty but needless to say, I felt victorious in conquering my potential burger blunder.

After finding a new option for calorie control at Burger King I got online and looked at Wendy's, Taco Bell, and McDonald's options too. So here is the rundown on my fast food investigation. Taco Bell has recently come out with the "Fresco Menu" which offers 9 items under 9 grams of fat and nothing is over 350 calories! What a great way to get some veggies in too! I like the fresco ranchero chicken soft taco or the or if I'm really hungry the fresco bean burrito. Next, Wendy's, I love their chili and one small cup has 190 calories and 5 grams of fiber. It is filling and great, just don't burn your mouth or add too many saltines (one pack of two saltines has 25 calories, that could add up quickly if your not careful). Last, my least favorite but apparently America's favorite, McDonald's. The grilled chicken snack wrap in honey mustard or chipotle bbq have 260 calories and the ranch has 270. The fruit and walnut salad only has 210 calories but I always skip the nuts because they are roasted and sugared and basically have no nutritional value anyway, and this probably saves around 100 calories. Besides, I don't like walnuts that much anyhow.

So there you go, healthy (ok at least semi-healthy) options from major fast food chains that are low calorie, not the same old salad, and won't leave your stomach feeling like a bottomless pit. Need I say more?!


Heavy Monday

Tomorrow is the official weigh in of my own butt. I have been re-committed to my 10 pound weight loss for a week and I am attempting the scale tomorrow to see the progress. I have to admit that I feel lighter. I don't know if this is just wishful thinking but I really am hopeful that there will be a difference. I have done really well the whole week even with Jack's Birthday on Tuesday and his Birthday party on Saturday. I am still motivated and I love when I have the weight loss mindset. It comes and goes but right now it has definitely come and I am milking it for all it's worth. I have been visualizing the number that I want to weigh all week. I see it in my mind and I think of it all the time. It is a great way to stay focused when faced with everyday temptation. I am also trying to keep an open mind for the possibility of no change. Seeing as how this week "Aunt Flo" has been staying with us. Sometimes she makes me retain water pretty bad. :( But I will cross that bridge when I get there. So here is to tomorrow. I will post again and let you know how it goes. Everyone cross your fingers and wish me luck!!! :)

I want to leave you with a tool, one that I have used all week. If I am faced with a temptation I ask myself how important it is for me to eat it. I think to myself, "when is the next time I will get to eat this?" If the answer is the whenever I want, because the temptation happens to be a Snickers bar, then I walk away. If it is a chocolate mousse filled creme puff from a fancy bakery in Hawaii then the answer is probably not anytime soon, so I eat it. This method of separation between the important and the un-important might seem elementary but it is so helpful. You can use it at work, at restaurants and at home. I hope this all makes sense and that it helps you the next time there is a pan of brownies in the break room or a bag of chocolate chips in the cupboard. Wait for the fantastic, once in a lifetime sweets or junk food will become an everyday occurrence.