
shunshine! i hate shunshine!

Remember when Mad Madame Mim got sick and the anecdote was sunshine? I wish that would cure me right now because this whole not being able to breathe thing is screwing me. I am officially postponing my push ups until at least one of my nostrils is clear and my face doesn't feel like it's having braxton hicks. I hate to do this but after teaching 8 classes in five days last week plus the gnarly week 2 of one hundred push up mania, I think this cold is my body telling me to sit down or else! Please don't give up just because I am taking a sick day. Please! I need you!


Chellor said...

Nope, I'm not giving up! End of week 2 and today was time for the second push up to fail test.
32 push ups for me! Ugh Ugh!

I'm so sorry you're so sick. Definitely sounds like you need some good rest. Hopefully this passes soon!

jenny said...

Hey! I'd love for you to do a little guest post on have your cake called "fit five". didn't see your contact info so leaving you this comment. email for more info. jenredford@live.com